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Hard Day at the Office

Someone posted, “If you work in healthcare, one day your significant other will ask you how your day was. You'll think of the horrible things you've seen, the things you've had to do to keep people alive, and the horrible things people have said to you. But you'll tell them "it was good".”   Yesterday, I had to call the mother of a young woman in ED and tell her that we couldn't get her daughter back. Then I had to call her best friend and tell her that her best friend had passed away. Then I went to the bedside, held her warm lifeless hand, and whispered into her ear all the things I promised I would relay from her loved ones. Then I put the sheet back over her head and waited to hear from the coroner. Ya, how was your day? Because of where I work, the odds of this happening every shift is pretty high. And like most things in life, it gets easier every time it happens. Some days are harder than others, some days I have good news and some days I have bad n

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