You’re a Nurse...Now What!?

Welcome to the Now What Nursing Blog! We’re here to talk about ALL the things, leaving nothing left unsaid and holding space for all the feelings.  Welcome to...Now What Nursing.

SBAR Report on this Blog and what Now What Nursing actually is:
S (Situation): There are thousands and thousands of dangerous near miss stories, posts on social media on the struggles nurses face, and distant tails of nurse victories from all over the world. Lessons learned the hard way, lessons passed down through rumors that scare you, and lessons that might have even cost the patient’s their lives. Until now, there hasn’t been a sufficient way to lay these stories out for all nurses to read, remember, and apply. That’s what I am hoping to do with Now What Nursing. Giving you a place to see, listen, and learn from nurses all over the world that have scenarios for us to learn from. Giving you a place to hear laughter that stems from heartache, and helping you feel less alone in your nursing journey. 

B (background): I saw a huge Gap in the space of “I just graduated nursing school” and “baby nurse on the floor”. I believed in the idea that nurses today lack a significant bridge from new grad nurse to real-life nurse and I wanted to create that in a funny, down to earth way. I hold a graduate nursing degree in nurse in education, I am a board certified nurse (NE-BC) and have overt years experience under my belt. I have worked in many different aspects of patient care and bring experience from critical care, telemetry, medical surgical, cardiovascular intensive care, case management, administrative, and post/pre operative areas. Add this to what my friends, coworkers, and all of you have for their bag of tricks and you have a pretty rad foundation to grow from.

A (action): I wrote a book called You’re a New Nurse Now What?! And I didn’t want to stop there. I wanted to give this platform, and all of you, the space it deserved. So here I am, taking a shot at creating a movement of new nurses that want to s grow a safer more efficient nursing practice from the start. I plan to write about topics that I feel are important to a new nurse starting out, are important to patient care, and important for our mental health as part of the medical team. 

R (Request): I humbly request that you engage respectfully with one another and myself as you navigate through my written work. I am just one person. One person with a dream to inspire and support new nurses. I am going to be as real and candid as I can so I don’t sugar coat a truth and take out the uncomfortable. Our job is uncomfortable. It’s messy (literally and figuratively) and it takes a certain mindset to be successful at it. I hope I can help. Because that’s what I am to my core…a helper. 


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