Ok so this is a fly by the seat of my pants type of blog today, but it has to be said. 

DON’T EVER STOP LEARNING! If you thought things in this profession wouldn’t change and you could coast along on the same procedures and science for the rest of your career think again. You need to understand that you must pivot. You must change course when you need to. You must learn and adapt to a new way of thinking and doing things. You need to keep your mind fresh and sharp in order to decipher what’s appropriate and what isn’t at the bedside. 

Change is hard. If it wasn’t there wouldn’t a million dollar business behind the science of change and how it affects us. But believe me, if you resist it, it can only get harder. When I say the word resist, I don’t mean for you to resist bad science, bad policies, bad practice, or bad leaders. Definitely resist those things.  What I mean is, when you’re presented with something new, ask yourself questions that cause you to reflect on the WHY behind the new. Ask why and ask how. Offer your opinion, offer your thoughts, offer your expertise. 

So, if you’ve found your way onto this blog and onto this entry, just remember, you need to pivot. Embrace new things and always ask why. 


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